Version 2.3.6


Minor Changes#

Avatar 2.2.0#

  • Added support for styling the AvatarGroup from the theme by adding the group part.

    const theme = extendTheme({
    components: {
    Avatar: {
    baseStyle: {
    group: {
    // styles for the AvatarGroup
  • Expose listProps to allow passing props to underlying ol element

System 2.3.0#

  • Implement local component style merging for upcoming optimizations

Hooks 2.1.0#

  • Added setValue as function exposed by useClipboard to enable control over the value after first initialization

Checkbox 2.2.2#

  • Allow checkbox control and root's style to be overriden from theme

Patch Changes#

Editable 2.0.13#

  • Fixed issue where input retained focus after exiting input programmaticaly.
  • Fix issue where useInert doesn't work consistently between the Drawer and Modal

Progress 2.0.12#

  • Fix issue where progress bar components (Progress and ProgressFilledTrack) did not use forwardRef

Theme 2.1.14#

  • Refactor theme

Toast 4.0.0#

  • Allow containerStyles to accept style props, not just React CSS properties
  • Expose original toast options to toast render options

Transition 2.0.11#

  • Force publish package due to changes in last release

Children Utilities 2.0.3#

  • Don't inline React by making it a peerDependency

Theme Utilities 2.0.1#

  • Moved extendTheme utilities to a dedicated package (@chakra-ui/theme-utils)

Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by Vercel