Version 2.3.0


Minor Changes#

Avatar 2.1.0#

  • Added support for changing avatar badge placement. The badge placement can be set to top-start, top-end, bottom-start or bottom-end.

    name="Uchiha Itachi"
    <AvatarBadge placement="top-start" />

Styled System 2.3.0#

  • Added defineStyle and defineStyleConfig to improve the TypeScript authoring experience of style objects and single part component themes.

    import { defineStyleConfig, defineStyle } from "@chakra-ui/styled-system"
    // authoring style objects
    const style = defineStyle({
    marginTop: "20px",
    // authoring style configs for single part component
    const button = defineStyleConfig({
    baseStyle: {},
    variants: {},
    defaultProps: {},
  • Added createMultiStyleConfigHelpers factory that provides functions that help improve the TypeScript authoring experience of multipart component themes.

    import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers } from "@chakra-ui/styled-sytem"
    // create scoped helpers for that defined parts
    const helpers = createMultiStyleConfigHelpers(["button", "label"])
    const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } = helpers
    // authoring styles for each part
    const outlineVariant = definePartsStyle({
    button: {},
    label: {},
    // authoring styles for multipart component
    const accordion = defineMultiStyleConfig({
    baseStyle: {
    button: {},
    label: {},
    variants: {
    outline: outlineVariant,

Patch Changes#

  • Refactored the theme to use design tokens and css variables.
  • Improved support for 100vh values by using a polyfill css variable --chakra-vh.

Slider 2.0.10#

  • Added support for styling slider mark from the theme

Anatomy 2.0.6#

  • Updated package to use styled-system as dependency

Descendants 3.0.9#

  • Fixed issue where generic type contraints throws in TypeScript 4.8+

Select 2.0.10#

  • Fixed issue where select theme throws when field part is not defined

Skeleton 2.0.15#

  • Refactored to use the new helpers from styled-system package

Tabs 2.1.1#

  • Fixed key warning for tabs component

Theme 2.1.9#

  • Refactored alert theme to use css variables
  • Refactored the theme to use design tokens and css variables as much as possible.
  • Improved support for 100vh values by using a polyfill css variable --chakra-vh.
  • Refactored to use the new helpers from styled-system package

Theme Tools 2.0.11#

  • Refactored code to use from styled-system package

Toast 3.0.8#

  • Fixdd issue where toast double update doesn't work

Event Utilities 2.0.4#

  • Fixed regression in addPointerEvent utility

Gatsby Plugin 3.0.6#

  • Removed default value of portalZIndex

Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by Vercel