Chakra UI Prose

Chakra UI Prose is a "second-party" package that adds ready-made styles to a remote HTML content.

If you need this package to be part of the core library, don't forget to let us know in this discussion thread.

Chakra UI Prose is essentially a custom component that applies styles to its children content.

Integrating the Prose component is fairly easy. To get started, you need to install the package:

npm install @nikolovlazar/chakra-ui-prose

Then, you need to use the withProse theme extension to add the Prose component styling into your own theme:

import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { withProse } from '@nikolovlazar/chakra-ui-prose'
const theme = extendTheme(
// your own theme
export default theme

To apply the styles to the remote HTML content, you just need to wrap it with the Prose component:

import { Prose } from '@nikolovlazar/chakra-ui-prose'
const MyPage = (content) => {
return <Prose>{content}</Prose>
export default MyPage

If you want to override the default Prose style, you can do so by providing your style overrides as an argument to the withProse extension:

const theme = extendTheme(
baseStyle: {
h2: {
fontWeight: 'light',

You can refer to the default theme to understand how you can override a certain element style.

There's also a CodeSandbox available that uses the Chakra UI Prose package:

import { Prose } from "@nikolovlazar/chakra-ui-prose";
import { Container } from "@chakra-ui/react";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <Container w="full" maxW="container.lg">
      <h1>H1 outside of Prose</h1>
      <h1>H2 outside of Prose</h1>
      <h1>H3 outside of Prose</h1>
      <blockquote>Blockquote outside of Prose</blockquote>
        <h1>Title Heading 1</h1>
        <h2>Title Heading 2</h2>
        <h3>Title Heading 3</h3>
        <h4>Title Heading 4</h4>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi at
          dolor nec ex rutrum semper. Praesent ultricies purus eget lectus
          tristique egestas ac in lacus. Nulla eleifend lorem risus, sit amet
          dictum nisi gravida eget. Suspendisse odio sem, scelerisque congue
          luctus nec, scelerisque ultrices orci. Praesent tincidunt, risus ut
          commodo cursus, ligula orci tristique justo, vitae sollicitudin lacus
          risus dictum orci.
          Vivamus vel enim at lorem ultricies faucibus. Cras vitae ipsum ut quam
          varius dignissim a ac tellus. Aliquam maximus mauris eget tincidunt
          interdum. Fusce vitae massa non risus congue tincidunt. Pellentesque
          maximus elit quis eros lobortis dictum.
        <hr />
          Fusce placerat ipsum vel sollicitudin imperdiet. Morbi vulputate non
          diam at consequat. Donec vitae sem eu arcu auctor scelerisque vel in
          turpis. Pellentesque dapibus justo dui, quis egestas sapien porttitor
        <blockquote>This is a good looking blockquote!</blockquote>
        <p>And it can span into multiple lines:</p>
          Fusce placerat ipsum vel sollicitudin imperdiet. Morbi vulputate non
          diam at consequat. Donec vitae sem eu arcu auctor scelerisque vel in
          turpis. Pellentesque dapibus justo dui, quis egestas sapien porttitor
          There&apos;s also <strong>strong</strong>, <b>b</b>, <em>em</em>{" "}
          support as well! But, let&apos;s display some code!
    <h4>Title Heading 4</h4>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi at dolor nec ex rutrum semper. Praesent ultricies purus eget lectus
      tristique egestas ac in lacus. Nulla eleifend lorem risus, sit amet dictum nisi gravida eget. Suspendisse odio sem, scelerisque congue
      luctus nec, scelerisque ultrices orci. Praesent tincidunt, risus ut commodo cursus, ligula orci tristique justo, vitae sollicitudin lacus risus dictum orci.
          Sometimes you&apos;d want to use <code>inline code</code>, and that
          would be just fine!
          If you want to learn more,{" "}
          <a href="">check out our docsite</a>!
          Fusce placerat ipsum vel sollicitudin imperdiet. Morbi vulputate non
          diam at consequat. Donec vitae sem eu arcu auctor scelerisque vel in
          turpis. Pellentesque dapibus justo dui, quis egestas sapien porttitor
            alt="Lagos, Nigeria"
          <figcaption>Lagos, Nigeria</figcaption>
          Fusce placerat ipsum vel sollicitudin imperdiet. Morbi vulputate non
          diam at consequat. Donec vitae sem eu arcu auctor scelerisque vel in
          turpis. Pellentesque dapibus justo dui, quis egestas sapien porttitor
        <p>Let's look at some unordered lists. Things to buy:</p>
          <li>Chakra UI Pro license</li>
        <p>And some ordered lists. Things to do:</p>
          <li>Pay the bills</li>
          <li>Walk the dog</li>
          <li>Take out trash</li>
              <th>GitHub Profile</th>
              <td>Segun Adebayo</td>
              <td>Tim Kolberger</td>
              <td>TypeScript Wizard</td>
              <td>Lazar Nikolov</td>
              <td>Trouble maker</td>
              <td>Folasade Agbaje</td>
              <th>GitHub Profile</th>
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Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by Vercel